
HSA has a dress code policy to help create a safe and orderly environment, instill discipline, and eliminate the competition and distractions caused by varied dress styles. Students will be expected to arrive in dress code every day. Please cooperate, display modesty and neatness, and take pride in these clean, neat and attractive uniforms. We rely on your common sense and your parents’ and/or guardians’ support in helping to maintain this dress code.   Students out of full or partial dress code will be sent home. If parent cannot be reached, the student will not be   allowed to attend classes and will wait under the supervision of administration. A broken washer-dryer, forgetting, leaving the uniform somewhere else, etc. are not acceptable excuses for dress code violations.


Dress code

Tops: Official school polo or crewneck sweatshirts, purchased through School Belles, are permitted all days. Friday spirit shirts and Hoodies only permitted on Friday with full dress code.

Pants: Navy, Khaki or Black Dress Pants

Footwear: Closed toe shoes. No slides, sandals, high heals.

Additional Dress Code Requirements and Limitations

In addition to making sure you are wearing the school uniform, HSA requires that you follow these additional guidelines in terms of uniform appearance and personal appearance.

Pants, Skirt and Slacks:

  • No skirts will be permitted except for religious reasons.
  • Pants and slacks must fit properly. (cannot be baggy or saggy, must be pulled above the waist).
  • No stretch pants, leggings, sweatpants or shorts. 
  • No ripped, torn or wholly pants.



  • No sandals, open toe, high heels, or platform shoes will be allowed.  



  • No outerwear should be carried or worn in the classroom other than school uniforms.
  • Hats, caps, bonnets and other headgear may not be worn in the building.

    *except for religious reasons which have been documented with  the school administration.

  • Outerwear, such as jackets, windbreakers, jean jackets, ski jackets,  or hoodies may not be worn during the school day.
  • No electronic devices should be worn with the uniform


*Students must wear the proper uniform when in the building. Students must be in full dress-code in order to enter the school building. 


See the below information for purchasing of Official Uniform Shirts.